

Diet Combined With Herbal Treatment Can Help You Stay Away From Chlamydia Infection?
Chlamydia Treatment is a kind of sexual transmitted disease. It's difficult to notice its symptoms within one to three weeks, so it's easily spread. Both men and women can be infected by this disease. If get infected, patients will suffer from many discomfort in their lower body. These terrible conditions will severely affect their normal life. Thus, it's very significant to know how to protect ourselves from Chlamydia infection.
Pay attention to your diet.
Patients with chlamydia infection should attach importance to the nutrition of the daily diet. It's beneficial to eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables like Cucumber, balsam pear, purslane are rich in vitamins and trace elements, they are helpful for the ill body. Eating more mung beans and loofah is also beneficial, they can clear way heat and toxic materials. It's effective to relieve the symptoms. To enhance the immunity and avoid the damage to other organs, patients should eat crucian carp, mulberry, figs, lychee and walnuts during treatment. Try not to drink ardent spirits, including beer. It will affect the absorption of drugs. Spicy and fat food should also be avoided for food like this can cause the edema of local blood vessels.
Herbal treatment.
Nowadays, chlamydia std is very popular in China. This kind of Herbal treatment has already cured many sufferer with chlamydia infection. Because of its natural formula, it has no side effects like drug resistance and kidney damage. Male patients can try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill while female patients can try Fuyan Pill. These two herbal medicines both can clear away heat and toxic materials, promote the circulation of blood and Qi. The symptoms of chlamydia infection can be eliminated from its root.
How to prevent Chlamydia infection?
Here are the preventions that can help you reduce the risk of a chlamydia infection:
1.it's necessary to use condoms correctly every time you have sex to avoid being infected.
2.Because chlamydia infection is a sexual transmitted disease, it's essential to limit the number of sex partners to reduce the risk. If it necessary, you'd better practice sexual abstinence, or limit sexual contact to one uninfected partner.
3.If you notice genital symptoms such as discharge or burning during urination or an unusual sore or rash, these are signals to stop having sex and to consult a doctor immediately.
4.If your partner have sighs of chlamydia infection and get treatment, you should also go to see a doctor timely to check if you are infected.
Healthy diet is as important as herbal treatment. They are both essential in treating chlamydia infection. Patients should strictly obey the food prohibitions during the treatment. Only in this way will the disease be cured as soon as possible.
More information about Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill, please visit the website: http://www.99eyao.com/english/

For The Treatment of Mycoplasma Chlamydia Need Drug Sensitivity Test
For the treatment of Mycoplasma Chlamydia Treatment, giving priority to drug sensitivity test is of great significance.
In our previous admissions experiences, we often heard patients say that he has had roxithromycin, azithromycin, doxycycline, but the results of the review were positive, they didn't know what was going on? When the result would be negative?
In fact, the situation reported by patients is very common, in which the possibility of antibiotic resistance should not be ruled out. Generally speaking, if prescriptions are made without drug sensitivity tests, there will be the following situations.
Firstly, the curative effect can be plain to see over a short timeframe with the alleviation of symptoms. However, a few days after the dosage, the results may fail to please patients with recurrence of symptoms, which indicates its drug-fast potential.
Secondly, after dosage, the symptoms have not been alleviated, or even worse, or there appear new emerging symptoms. For example, patients who did not have urinary frequency before now have been plagued by repeated occurrences of urinary frequency or even nocturia , suggesting possible resistance.
In both cases above, we have suggested that the drug resistance may occur with a dressing change, or a combined treatment of two or more antibiotics as the possible solutions; At this time, you need to do or redo drug sensitivity tests; If the result shows that all are drug-tolerant, in this case, you can directly take the preparation based on medicine with the name of FuYan pill, its detoxification effect, similar to antibiotics' anti-inflammatory analgesic effect, can effectively clear the patient chlamydia std and other pathogens.
With regard to the result of drug sensitivity tests on Mycoplasma Chlamydia, it is needed to learn to check and decipher.
In drug sensitivity tests on MC, many hospitals have manifested 10 medicines including doxycycline, minocycline, CIP, sparfloxacin, roxithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, jasamycin, and spectinomycin, of which the latter results with the S indicate sensitive drugs that can be the preferential options; with the MS indicates moderate sensitive drugs, which means that medicine can be dispensed in the later period; while with the R indicate the resilient drugs which should not be made allowance for.
Treated through western medicine, patients should pause for a timeframe of 7 days for reexamination. If the result remains positive and the symptoms kept unsettled, the traditional Chinese medicine Fuyan pill as mentioned above can be recommended, with its ingredients wholly derived from nature and made of pure herbal medicine. It has no side effect and drug tolerance, which makes it a top choice after the antibiotics.
For more information, please visit 99eyao website: http://www.99eyao.com/english/
Or see related articles like Can Oral Sex Cause Sexual Transmitted Disease -Mycoplasma: http://www.99eyao.com/english/a/a9747.htm
Buy GMP Certified Chlamydia Home Test Kits from Test Hiv Status
Chlamydia Treatment happens from the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, and has been around for a very long time. What's more, it's route simple to spread; sex, for the most part. This is transmitted by means of vaginal and butt-centric intercourse, so this influences all populaces: hetero, gay person and indiscriminate. You can get this through oral sex also, in light of the fact that the microorganisms can live in the throat and that needs chlamydia home test to get results.
Which implies a lady (or man) can pass this along amid fellatio, and it can be gone amid cunnilingus too. It's critical to note you don't have to try and have this level of sexual contact to get it. You could get this through substantial petting if the genitalia interact with one another. Which really is an exceptionally normal event for young people, which is the way some of them wind up being dealt with for Chlamydia whilst as yet being virgin?
In case indications present in a male, it's generally as a blazing sensation whilst urinating. There could likewise be some level of release. The urethra might be excited, bringing on blazing and tingling there, also. In case it's been obtained, there could be release, smoldering or seeping here. Ladies frequently are asymptomatic and choose chlamydia for men home test, yet when they do have side effects; it can be as release, blazing and agony. As the contamination spreads back to the cervix, there could possibly be side effects of stomach torment, spasms, back agony, and so on. It's generally as could reasonably be expected there will be none, even once it advances to the fallopian tubes.
That is the principle hazard for ladies, as it can scar the fallopian tubes to the point childbearing is no more conceivable. It happens when chlamydia home test results come, which then spoils everything else. With men, it's not for the most part so harming, but rather it can at present lead to fruitlessness when it is.
Unquestionably condoms keep the spreading of it by means of vaginal and butt-centric intercourse, yet oral sex is less simple to bring safety measures with. The most ideal approach to ensure yourself amid the last is to request that your accomplice test themselves before you take part in sexual movement. Clearly, the vast majority isn't slanted to do this chlamydia home test and wouldn't get it consistently.

The Best Choice for Curing Male Chlamydia Is Not Azithromycin

Chlamydia Treatment is one main type of antibiotics, when chlamydia is treated, the usage of it is the most. A chlamydia therapy is one gm azithromycin taken orally, it is convenient. But the best choice for curing male chlamydia is not azithromycin.

Male chlamydia symptoms

Secretion which is cloudy or clear is a little discharged by penis.
Urinate and pain is felt.
Itch and burn is the feeling of penis at the opening.
Swollen and painful are felt in testicles.

Male chlamydia complications

Once not get a good treatment, epididymitis can be resulted by chlamydia for men, sterility can be led by it too. Seldom can reactive arthritis be caused by it. Reactive arthritis can lead to joints pain and swelling, also other conditions.


Without curing the disease originally, not long ago, infection may happen again to patients, since to drugs, resistance or side effect can be caused by antibiotics like we know. Herbal formulas which are correct can cure infection caused by chlamydia in genital too, this is showed by newest researches.

To Chlamydia Infection, another treatment is herb medicine. Urination disturbance and materials which are toxic cause chlamydia in TCM view. Relieving stranguria and material which are toxic clearing are functions contained by herb medicine which is complete if many herbs are added. Other than that, ability of self-healing and immunity can be improved by herb medicine. In order to be cured, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can be taken by men.


Correct usage of condoms are important before sex every time.
Sex partners' number need to be decreased and between partners, going forth and back is not allowed.
Sexual abstinence needs to be remembered and one partner who is uninfected is the only one can have contact which is sexual with.
Once it seems as if chlamydia infected you, visit a doctor after contacting him or her and no contact of sexual is allowed.

Food can or can't eat

Food which after eating the disease can be made more serious are not allowed, for around or in anus, there is burning, urine which is yellow, tongue which is sore, gums which are swollen and viscera heat, they are garlic, green onion, ginger, pepper and etc which are spicy.
In order to make sure the inflammation been eliminated without any harm, prevent itch in genital area and no humid heat will be increased, things can't be eaten like crab, yellow croaker, hairtail, snakehead, mandarin fish, shrimp and etc for they are food which are stimulating or seafood.
In order to prevent the treatment been influenced or humid heat been increased, too much sugar inside or oily good can't be eaten, like cream cake, chocolate, dessert, candy, cream, butter, fat pork, lard and etc.
Smoking or alcohol is not allowed. Patients can't drink medicinal liquor or drink contains rice wine, for humid heat can be increased by alcohol, in artery, oxygen and the binding force of blood can be decreased by nicotine and disease can be made serious by smoking.
Diet nutrition needs to be paid attention by men. Bowel movement can be kept daily if fruits and vegetables are eaten a lot, urinary tract infection can be prevented by more water drinking.

Dr. Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill . These two medicines are the herbal medicines which are made of herbs and they are natural and safe, with no side effects.

Could Women Get Chlamydia Infection be a Serious Problem?

Chlamydia Treatmentis among the most common sexually transmitted ailments within the U.S. This infection is easily spread for the reason that it normally causes no symptoms and could be unknowingly passed to sexual partners. In truth, most of the chlamydia patients are women. Chlamydia infection can bring about many reproductive tract ailments. In addition, chlamydia infection keeps higher infection rate than gonorrhea, which holds primacy in STDs. Chlamydia infection might be divided into chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci, and pneumonia chlamydia. Amongst them, chlamydia trachomatis is definitely the main form which will give rise to reproductive tract infection.

chlamydia discharge is quite critical for women. Females who get infected with it would have lots of negative feelings. Including painful period, abdominal discomfort with fever, painful urination, discomfort when obtaining sex, and itching or burning in or about the vagina.

If you do not get treated for chlmydia, you run the risk of many overall health problems. Ladies that have pelvic inflammatory disease was half caused by chlamydia infection. PID is the illness which can lead damage for the fallopian tubes. In addition, women who have trouble with infertility are tested 44.2% with chlamydia antibody. It may be noticed that chlamydia antibody is really a substantial cause of infertility. What's a lot more, chlamydia infection also can result in abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, pneumonia, non-gonococcal urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory illness, proctitis, and so on.

Considering that chlamydia can actually trigger terrific damage to women's physique. In case you are tested to have infected with it, you should get your illness treated promptly. You may try prescribe oral antibiotics, commonly azithromycin (Zithromax) or doxycycline. You may attempt Fuyan Pill as well, which can be a herbal medication devoid of any side effects, and could eliminate inflammation, clear heat, and promote blood circulation. It truly is a very good option for treating chlamydia. What's extra, your partner(s) also need to have be treated as well to prevent reinfection and additional spread with the disease. With therapy, the infection really should clear up in about per week or two. It is very important finish all your antibiotics even if you feel better. Females with extreme chlamydia infection might call for hospitalization, intravenous antibiotics (medicine provided by means of a vein), and pain medicine.

Soon after taking the medicine, you should be re-tested to be positive the infection is cured. This really is particularly important for anyone who is unsure that your partner(s) obtained therapy. Do not have sex till you are certain both you and your companion no longer possess the illness. Although chlamyda is quite serious disease for women, it really is treatable. Please never worry when you've got gotten it, just comply with above advises, you'd recovery extremely quickly.
Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as an herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of gynecological disease . She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Fuyan Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective on eliminating inflammation, killing bacteria, clearing heat and promoting blood circulation etc. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C).

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