

prevent public interests on meizitang are illegal
According to participate in dairy safety standards of experts said, by a few big dairy standard drafting of the breasts of enterprises. But two of the key data colonies, the content of protein total, in 'the last moment' is overhauling, standard greatly relaxed.
Experts is not really don't understand, but is outraged the word of the just. Actually, this have what difficult? Standard is enterprise lifeline, who occupy authentic mzt pills the standards right, who will dominate the market competitive position. The formulation meizitangfruta plantaof standards ability, it is an enterprise in a market in the right. So, dairy standard control dairy giant, this is not what strange things.
For example, best diet pills that work the main drafting the vinegar made gb unit is a production enterprise of vinegar, not long ago, quick-frozen dumpling incident, frozen surface m products new gb was also refers to the big enterprise puts forward relevant. The question is, who is standard of standard?
Industry standard, not only is the production enterprise the need to comply with quality standards, but also the basic standards for the protection of consumer health. For enterprise that, reduce standard is to reduce the production cost, get huge benefits, they compete for the authorship of standard, can understand. Of course, in a relative competitive environment, they participate in the formulation of standards for meizitangfruta planta pillsmore criticism, the competition between them also makes standards is a fierce game process. But, flooding the sex makes them in order to get the industry interest and shake hands and agree to 'outside''the outside, is consumer.
Therefore, to make a standard is fair, fair and reasonable, will never be able at the original meizitang mercy of the enterprise unilateral set the standards, otherwise, the public interest will be built on stilts, consumer rights will be ignored. So, the formulation of standards process, must absorb the interests of all parties, the interests of the meizitangfruta planta reduce weightenterprise of course need to consider, the interests of the consumer more to be taken into account. Because the industry standard formulating is a more professional process, the interests of the consumer needs to have professional spokesperson, so, experts often ACTS as a spokesperson role.
So, now is necessary to DaoBi standard of making the process and see in addition to the role of the enterprise, but also what 'authority'? Look at the public interest is in which link was deliberately ignored, see how supervision department aphasia, cried and duty. And tough accountability. At the same time, adjust and meizitang modify the formulation of standards process, both the interests of all parties as far as possible. So, can avoid standards are collective interests control, avoid public interests are 'legally' violations.

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