

How to Cure Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection

Mycoplasma is a kind of simplest prokaryote, somehow like between virus and bacterium, among which ureaplasma urealyticum(UU, also known as mycoplasma urealytium) and mycoplasma hominis(MH) are concerned with the diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems, thereinto the positiveness of mycoplasma is of high attack.


If mycoplasma is not to be treated timely, it will lead to a series of medical conditions.


On men, the infection can firstly endanger the mucosae of urethral canal, and then secondarily cause prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis and epididymitis, and the like, of which the symptoms will manifest themselves less or more seriously.


Nevertheless, ureaplasma urealyticum can adhere to the head or tail of germs, directly weaken the viability, lower the quantity, lead to abnormality at comparatively high proportion, of germs, or even cause necrospermia and male infertility.


Chlamydia is now the most common pathogen to cause STDs in the United States. Like chlamydia, ureaplasma urealyticum can cause stubborn infections which sometimes cannot be cured by antibiotics.


Generally, antibiotics are suggested by doctors to cure ureaplasma urealyticum. Dexycycline, azithromycin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin, erythromycin, and amoxicillin are common antibiotics for that. One to two weeks antibiotics can be required by doctors. Antibiotic treatment, if taken exactly as directed, normally cures ureaplasma urealyticum infections. If antibiotics are not taken properly, the infection will not be cured.


However, each antibiotics do has side effects. It is possible for them to damage the liver and kidneys. Once a course of treatment with a med is finished, the pathogen is resistant to it and become stronger. If the infection on a mancannot be cured within one to two shots, antibiotics are no longer suggested for him.

For stubborn ureaplasma urealyticum infection, herbal remedy can be the best alternatives. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, patented by Dr. Lee Xiaoping, is always suggested for those who suffer from stubborn ureaplasma urealyticum infection. As traditional Chinese medicine always works slowly, it may take three months to completely cure the infection. Even it takes much longer than antibiotics do, it is much safer and is the only choice for those who cannot be cured by antibiotics.

article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20111108/53.html


Acute prostatitis is usually caused by bacteria

Acute prostatitis is a type of prostatitis. Acute prostatitis (when symptoms are sudden and severe) is usually caused by bacteria in the urinary tract entering the prostate. However, it is less clear what happens in cases of chronic bacterial prostatitis. Doctors are not certain how bacteria can infect the prostate and cause persistent symptoms that come and go over many months. 


Acute bacterial prostatitis is a serious inflammation of the prostate gland. Acute bacterial prostatitis is generally the result of an infection that has spread to the prostate from another part of the body, often a urinary tract infection, such as a bladder infection. Many bacteria can cause this infection. 


Acute prostatitis can cause some symptoms but the symptoms may not be very severe compared with chronic prostatitis. However, if you don't get acute prostatitis treated soon, you may suffer chronic prostatitis.


In many cases of chronic (long-term) prostatitis, doctors cant find any infection in the prostate gland, although they may still prescribe a course of antibiotics. In these cases, the cause is poorly understood.


Actually, herbal medicine could be a better choice for chronic prostatitis. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill as a typical herbal medicine for acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis, it causes no side effects and can eradicate chronic prostatitis in three months.

article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/0517/acute-prostatitis.html

Some foods can worsen prostatitis symptoms

Prostatitis symptoms can be painful. Patients usually may have pain or burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, particularly at night and pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles. Actually, some foods can make prostatitis symptoms worse. 

It’s not enough to know the best foods you should eat to make prostatitis symptoms better, you should also know which foods are the worst so you can avoid them. Some of the foods in the following may surprise you, but all of them are best to cross off your menu if you want to promote prostate health.
Red and Processed Meat
Eating a lot of red and processed meats is unhealthy for prostatitis symptoms, one of which is it may increase your risk of prostate cancer. Studies show that men who ate the most red meat were 12 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer and 33 percent more likely to have advanced cancer than those who ate the least amount of red meat. 
Calcium and Dairy Foods
Dairy foods are the most common source of calcium, and this is a source of concern for two reasons. One, there is evidence that high intake of calcium, mostly through supplements and dairy foods, has been linked with a greater risk of prostate cancer, especially aggressive cancer. Two, many dairy foods are high in fat and cholesterol, and may also contain hormones, all of which can have a negative impact on prostate health.
Thus, if you want to make prostatitis symptoms better, you should avoid these foods. In addition, if your prostatitis symptoms are serious, you can receive herbal treatment. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill as a good herbal medicine for prostatitis, it can make the medication reach to the infected part directly, thus enhance the curative effect.

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